Entity CC: A PHP Project Management Application

Entity CC

Project Management PHP Web Application

Entity CC is a custom-built PHP-powered web application that you can access from anywhere on any device to manage your team, your projects, and your business. It comes packed full of advanced role and permission options and is integrated directly into the Stripe Payment gateway so you can get paid! It is flexible enough to fit your business and offers an enormous amount of customization through currencies, languages, wages, taxes and more.

Server and Host Requirements

Apache Web Server

PHP 5.5

A MySQL or MariaDB Database

Javascript Enabled Browser

Additional Details

  • OS: Linux (Redhat/Debian)*
  • Framework: None
  • CLI: No
  • Payment Gateways: Stripe

* OS Support is limited to Linux OS only

Entity CC is now a legacy a product. The below screenshots are for informational purposes only.

Product Features

Powerful User Account Features

Create unlimited users, each with a complete user profile, custom avatar, and custom permissions that you can define from the ground up. Entity CC comes with 5 default user roles out of the box, but you can determine what kind of access each user has. Accounts can be deactivated and users have a highly prolific amount of information you can gather for their profile. Try to find that in some other package!

Insane Project Management

Create unlimited projects, each with its own stages and tasks, and a forum to stay connected with members of the team. Unlimited files can be attached to tasks and members can drop notes specific to those tasks to stay on track and let others know what their progress is. Everything is managed by you and your staff and access to vital project functionality is in your complete control!

Invoices & Payment

Create invoices for projects and assign payment options to them for easy payment using the Stripe Payment Gateway. Entity CC offers multiple currency support and does live currency exchange updates from within the application at the press of a button! Tax support is built-in offering you the option to charge a tax to the whole invoice, a single charge, or both.

File Management on your terms

Unlike software as a service (SaaS for short), Entity CC doesn't place resource limits on your portal. There is no additional tiers you have to pay for to get more space. Nope, you get the code and host it on your own server. For an application that is currently under $50 USD, that's a pretty big accomplishment in itself! You do have complete control over how much space your users can task advantage of!

So many features, even the heavy-weight apps have some competition

Extensive Documentation

Entity CC offers a comprehensive built-in documentation that covers how to use the entire application. Additionally, it offers a built in activity log and health monitoring system to keep track of what's going on in your portal at all times.

Built in Messenger

The internal messenger is undergoing a lot of small tweaks to make it look and act more like a mature internal messaging system. It allows members of your team to stay in contact with each other and stay on track.

Wages & Taxes

New in this version is the ability to set wages and taxes. This helps itemize and quickly calculate common charges and limits what your employees, team members, and hired help can charge based on your business model.

Custom Access Roles

Probably one of the most powerful additions to version 2.0.x is the ability to create your own access roles. You literally have access to create access roles that have the ability to do only what you desire. No other application out there has anything to compare.

Multiple Currency Support

Version 2.0.x supports 3 different currencies and will be expanding to a total of five within the first few months of development. Invoices created by contractors in other countries can be set in their home currency and then converted on the fly to your own.

Complete Rebuild

The entire application has been developed from the ground up from the feedback of my users. Almost all of the new features were long requested items from CodeCanyon buyers. This is an Object Oriented, professional application, that can expand with your business and get the job done.